Fifty Shades of Slay

OK so, I’ve heard of numerous sexual entendres but BDSM is the one that confuses the hell out of me. I mean how can you make love to someone by inflicting pain and being a sadist. Sadism kinda throws the idea of love right outta the window if you ask me.

On one end India is leading the campaign to end domestic violence and the other Christian Grey is beating the crap outta his girlfriend and she’s supposed to be finding it fun?

What gives man? I thought the book was explicit but the movie is a whole new story. Ok so this whacko is psychotic and beats his girlfriends into submission all because his mother was a crack whore and a brunette and he was abused by his mother’s pimp. Somehow I don’t really get the connection.

I mean once Anastasia came to know this guy’s “issues” call 911 you dumb bitch, he deserves to be in an asylum he needs a shrink who doesn’t condone his kinkiness and would lobotomize the perversion out of him. Instead she goes on to allow this nonsense and begs to be belted? She needs a lobotomy too. I mean hello feminists are you comatose? She’s asking to be punished for being disobedient, a grown woman (indignant here).

The book was released and caused a media fiasco but many people did not take the time to read it, the movie made the experience Oh so much easier. So easy, that it resulted in a teenager’s death in the Philippines. Imagine flogging the hell out of the chick that the skin was almost rubbed off her bones and she died of blood loss. Is there absolutely no way to keep such content out of the hands of ignoramuses and innocence?

I’m open to all sorts of stuff, I mean to each his own right, but when something is hazardous to the well being of the public then it should not be condoned. Once shit like this is out on the tube, there is no way of keeping it from going viral. Telling parents to keep your kids away from it is impossible, innocence is ignorance and anything is possible when the two collide. Some things should be kept under wraps locked away behind the closed doors of perverts by choice and should not be aired for the entertainment of the general public.

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